- Bandwidth attention by the Obama team and others - hopefully the U.S. will move to a better place in the terms of Internet bandwidth plus access. Let's hope WiMAX and other technologies become ubiquitous - and affordable.
- Cloud Computing/Portals - without a robust learning community/environment the potential for one-to-one is static.
- Obama team pays serious attention to One-to-One - this is already starting as Don Knezek of ISTE asked me and several others for input in response to questions he'd received from the Obama team.
- Apple releases a tablet? No insider (or outsider) information here, just resurfacing of rumors - and a sincere hope that Apple takes what they learned from iTouch, along with their design sense and knowledge of schools, and releases a tablet.
This is a short list - the longer and more detailed list will be on HotChalk in January.