School statistics around the world - Dr. Francesc Pedro, US has much home Internet access, does not lead in educational tech in schools. Unusual stats on computers at school and computers at home -- better at home. But are they looking at laptops here, where home to school happens?
Dr. Pedro, Language learning and the brain - start as early as possible - yet schools generally wait, sometimes all the way to middle school.
No physical evidence of differences in male and female brains (ha, here's a myth buster!)
"If we only had time for this in school ... we had time to think" - Mary Cullinane
Michael McCauley "Whole New Mind" by Pink recommended and "Dream Society" - look next week for a report on "Understanding the Brain" on emotions, foreign languages
Elizabeth Streb -
Mary Cullinane - Ask kids What motivates kids, trends, obstacles, what value, what environment
Zolli - - in which a man dresses up like a video and answers questions. Mostly students view this. Show what
**Funny alert - when Streb asked Cullinane if the offices at Microsoft were "Open Source" - Cullinane said they were "definitely NOT Open Source"!